
                                                                                   50 Shades of Grey  

The boyfriend spontaneously thought it would be a good idea to watch 50 Shades of Grey on the eve of Valentine's, which would have been a good idea were the film any good.. However the film was TERRIBLE, and I have to put that in capitals.. It is not often that I want to leave the cinemas 10 minutes into a film, but I wanted to leave... I did sit through the whole 1hr 50minutes in the end, but I was relieved when it ended. 

The actors either had terrible acting, or they had a terrible director. It just doesn't draw the audience into their "relationship". Their dialogue seemed forced and uneccessary, characters were uneccessary. Honestly what was the point of Anastasia's dad character appearing? The "conversation" between him and Christian was not needed and provided no further insight to the film.. I have to say, there were parts that cracked the audience up, though I'm not quite sure if that was their intention. It was even funny to the audiences in the Taiwanese cinema, I suppose the translators did a good job.

Because of the lack of character development and portrayal of the relationship between Christian and Anastasia, the supposedly "hot and steamy" sex scenes were boring.. It wasn't captivating, nor was it erotic.. Only redeeming thing about the movie is that the soundtrack is nice and enjoyable.

My Conclusion: The movie was a waste of my time, my money and my energy... When I could have really been doing somethin far more interesting with the BF..

    創作者 小霓子 的頭像


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